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Experimental Fire Study of Expanded Polystyrene Insulation in Concrete and Lightweight Concrete Wall Constructions
The purpose of this thesis is mapping of unprotected Expanded Polystyrene columns reaction to fire in wall constructions. The wall construction is to be with compositions of concrete, lightweight concrete and MDF. This design is testing the expanded polystyrene in different extremities exploring the possibility of the fire spread ceasing by itself. The constructions are to be exposed to fire a short period of time from above the construction. The different construction compositions are also to test an air gap and its effect to the fire development. Difference in compositions of the experiments are to be testing extremities and if the expanded polystyrene will at some point cease by itself due to difference in heat loss in the concrete and lightweight concrete. The experiment will have three models of concrete compositions of EPS and MDF, this will then be repeated but replaced with lightweight concrete.
Rapporten är ett examensarbete skrivet av Jacob Nellgård vid LTU.
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