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  • Andningsapparater

    I detta ämne samlas kunskap om andningsapparater.

    Nyckelord: andningsskydd tryckluftsapparater

  • #2
    Marknadsundersökning om andningsapparater, USA - 2024

    Amerikanska Homeland Security har gjort en omfattande marknadsundersökning av andningsapparater där man på detaljnivå undersökt 3M Scott, Air-Pak X3 Pro, MSA Safety, MSA G1 SCBA, Dräger, PSS 7000 och Interspiro, Interspiro S9.

    I rapporten redovisas andningsapparaten tillsammans med olika tillbehör som kan användas tillsammans med den.
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    • #3
      Lärdomar om andningsapparater, Homeland Security - 2024

      En amerikansk rapport som utförts av FDNY tillsammans med amerikanska myndigheter i syfte att skaffa lärdomar inför ett utbyte av FDNY:s 10 000 andningsapparater.
      Open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatuses (SCBAs) are a critical element in firefighter personal protective equipment and a significant financial investment for fire departments across the country. A variety of technological advances in SCBAs offer the potential to improve the safety, communication, situational awareness, and mission effectiveness of fire response teams. In 2022 and 2023, the Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) evaluated several SCBA systems for potential replacement of its inventory of approximately 10,000 SCBAs nearing end of life. FDNY conducted phased operational testing of the SCBA models under consideration and asked the National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL) for assistance in analyzing other capabilities including new electronic safety features that transmit information between SCBA and incident command. This report offers key insights and observations stemming from FDNY’s and NUSTL’s efforts, as well as guidance for a generalized assessment approach that other departments may find useful when determining their key requirements and evaluating products pending an SCBA acquisition.
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